Justice Abroad’s London Barrister Michael Polak instructed to Push for Release of Chau Van Kham, 71 y.o Australian Democracy Activist Gaoled in Vietnam

Justice Abroad’s London based barrister Michael Polak has been instructed to advocate for the release of Mr Chau Van Kham a 71-year-old Australian democracy activist who was arrested in January 2019 and sentenced to 12 years imprisonment after a hearing which failed to comply with international provisions on due process. 

It is understood that Mr Van Kham has various health conditions, and he is currently being refused consular visits because of the COVID situation.  Mr Polak will be calling on the Vietnamese Government to exercise mercy and allow Mr Van Kham to return to his wife in Australia before his health deteriorates further and anything happens to him damaging the relationship between the two countries.

Mr Chau Van Kham, is a retired baker from Sydney, Australia. He was arrested in Vietnam and subject to a trial ,along with 5 other defendants, which lasted only 4.5 hours, where no witnesses were called.  No allegations of any violent conduct by Mr Van Kham were made at the trial and he was convicted of terrorism offences solely because of his connection to a non-violent pro-democracy group and sentenced to 12 years imprisonment.

In October 2020, Amnesty International Australia nominated Mr Van Kham as a prisoner of conscience and Human Rights Watch have also called for his release.

Mr Polak will be putting together submissions to United Nations human rights Working Group as well as calling on the Australian Government to do everything they can to ensure that Mr Van Kham is returned home.  It is hoped that with renewed efforts by all those able to assist in this matter, Mr Van Kham could be released on 30 April 2021 which is a public holiday in Vietnam and a day on which prisoners are often released.

Under these instructions, Justice Abroad will be working with Australian lawyer Ms Dan Phuong Nguyen of DPN COMPANY SOLICITORS and the campaign is being supported by Amnesty International Australia, Human Rights Watch, and Martin Radzaj of Liberty Victoria

Mr. Polak of Justice Abroad and Church Court Chambers in London states the following:

‘Mr Van Kham is 71-year-old with numerous health problems. It is vital that he is returned home to Sydney before his health deteriorates further. It is in no one’s interests, including Vietnam, for anything to happen to Mr Van Kham whilst he is in custody.  We hope that with everyone doing all they can to push for his release, the Vietnamese Government will allow Mr Van Kham to return to Australia on 30 April 2021.’

Ms Dan Phuong Nguyen of DPN COMPANY SOLICITORS stated the following:

“it is an honour and privilege to have the involvement of Mr Polak (UK barrister) join our team in our plight to free CHAU VAN KHAM.  With International attention on the case, this brings home the need for our government to increase their efforts to bring an aged and ill Australian home to his family”.

On social media we will be using the hashtag #FreeChauVanKham. Justice Abroad can be found on Twitter here, Facebook here, and LinkedIn here.

Media requests for interviews with Michael Polak or members of the family can be accommodated in any language requested and should be made by contacting Justice Abroad by email at contact@JusticeAbroad.co.uk or phone on +44 (0)203 488 2316.

Notes to Editors

Justice Abroad, www.justiceabroad.co.uk has been set up to help those trying to find their way through foreign justice systems with all the associated hurdles that presents, to represent those facing gross breaches of their human rights no matter where this takes place, and to advise and assist the victims of crimes as to how to achieve justice.

Justice Abroad, run by international law barrister Michael Polak, has assembled a team of top investigators, lawyers, and support staff to provide unparalleled support, advice and guidance, legal, advocacy, and investigatory service for your Justice Abroad issues anywhere in the world.  The Justice Abroad team with their trusted international pool of multilingual experts, their networks, and media contacts and their well-documented determination to leave no stone unturned in the search for the truth and justice for individuals and families who have been denied it are here to provide that much needed support for families and individuals in their time of need.

Michael Polak