Justice Abroad calls for the Immediate Release of the Secretary General of the Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS)

Justice Abroad calls for the immediate release of SJS Secretary General Abdalle Mumin who was arrested in Hirshabelle whilst running a media training seminar. Abdalle Mumin is a top advocate for media freedom and journalists in Somalia, a country that remains one of the most dangerous in the world for the media.


Justice Abroad is pleased to work with the SJS to fight for media freedom and has carried out a number of submissions on behalf of the organisation and individual journalists in Somalia to international bodies including the United Nations.


(see here https://www.justiceabroad.co.uk/news/somali-journalist-syndicate-and-barrister-michael-polak-of-justice-abroad-and-church-court-chambers-call-for-puntland-authorities-to-drop-charges-and-free-journalist-kilwe; https://www.justiceabroad.co.uk/news/justice-abroads-michael-polak-submits-communications-concerning-attacks-on-journalism-in-somalia-to-un-bodies ; https://www.justiceabroad.co.uk/news/somali-journalist-syndicate-and-barrister-michael-polak-of-justice-abroad-and-church-court-chambers-call-for-puntland-authorities-to-drop-charges-and-free-journalist-kilwe )



Mr Mumin’s arrest is contrary to the principles of freedom of expression enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the Somali Constitution and the African Charter on Human Rights (ACHR). Article 19 ICCPR, Article 18 of the Somali Constitution and Article 9 ACHR protect the right to hold opinions without interference and the right to freedom of expression. Further, Article 32 of the Somali Constitution protects every person’s right of access to information held by the state.


We call for Abdalle Mumin’s immediate release and for the Hirshabelle Government to cease the repression of journalists in the region.

Michael Polak