International Press Reports on Justice Abroad Olympia Beijing 2022 Protest Case


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International Press Reports on Justice Abroad Olympia Beijing 2022 Protest Case

Justice Abroad is acting in the case concerning activists who protested the Olympic flame lighting ceremonies at Olympia and the ceremony at the Acropolis in relation to Beijing’s ongoing genocide against the Uyghurs, the suppression of freedoms in Hong Kong, and the ongoing oppression of the Tibetan people.

On 18 October 2021, Chemi Lhamo, joined by American activist, Catherine-Ann MacDougal, and British human rights activist, Jason Leith, protested during the Olympic Torch Lighting Ceremony in Olympia. The activists shouted slogans and held a banner reading “No Genocide Games” as well as a Tibetan flag. The three protesters were tackled to the ground by security and were detained and held in prison for 2 days in Pyrgos before being released pending their trial. Their trial was due to take place on Thursday 3 February 2021, however, it has been postponed until after the Olympic games in Beijing.

While speaking to Olympia News in Greece, Mr. Polak stated that, “The European Court of Human Rights is very strict in its efforts to restrict the important right to freedom of assembly, expression and thought and conscience. "Interfering in peaceful assemblies, except where there has been incitement to violence or a threat to democratic principles, does injustice to democracy and even endangers it." The full article can be found here -[]

When asked why the case had not been heard, Mr. Polak told the Evening Standard []  that, ““On Thursday, we actually made a request and said, ‘why aren’t you hearing this case?’ and they denied it,” he said. ‘We’d say that this matter is being adjourned so that the court wouldn’t have to give a decision on the eve of the Beijing Olympics.’ 

Mr Polak speaking to the Guardian [] stated that, “Despite their disappointment, the activists not only remained determined to fight this politically motivated and ridiculous case, but to take the matter all the way to the European court of human rights.” The full article can be read here -

Notes to Editors

Justice Abroad,  has been set up to help those trying to find their way through foreign justice systems with all the associated hurdles that presents, to represent those facing gross breaches of their human rights no matter where this takes place, and to advise and assist the victims of crimes as to how to achieve justice.

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Michael Polak