Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Continuity and News Update



    “Here When You Need Us”

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Continuity and News Update


Whilst our Justice Abroad directors David Swindle, Michael Polak and David Walters are unable to travel abroad during these unprecedented times of crisis we continue to be “here when you need us” and maintain social media, telephone and video conferencing contact with our various existing and new clients and our Justice Abroad multilingual experts throughout the world.

Courts and legal processes in all countries are restricted however we are in regular contact with our legal networks in other countries as required for existing and new cases.

You will see a lot of social media activity on our platforms regarding a charitable donation funded initiative Fuel Our Frontline which was set up by Michael Polak to help National Health Service (NHS) frontline staff. Please share these posts to help Michael and his team provide support to frontline staff risking their lives to help us.

One of our multilingual experts Eva Maria Navarro has offered her translation services free of charge to help health staff, patients and police officers with communication problems during this time of crisis.

There’s a lot going on and we at Justice Abroad continue to be “here when you need us” so please feel free to contact us at any time of the day on +442034882316 or




Michael Polak