Charges Dropped but Call for Public Apology and Inquiry in Case of British Woman Arrested and Charged for Describing Mayor in Cyprus as Useless

Justice Abroad is representing a British Mother, Kaela Charalampous, who lives in the Cypriot village of Mandria and was arrested in front of her young child after describing the elected mayor of Mandria village, Mr Kypros Michaelides, as ‘useless’ in a comment under a Facebook post regarding works being carried out in the village.  Justice Abroad is acting alongside top Cypriot human rights lawyer Nicoletta Charalambidou.

On 27 April 2021 we have been informed that the Attorney General’s Office has decided to drop all charges in this matter.

It is understood that the arrest of Ms Charalmpous was carried out under a warrant issued by a court in Cyprus. It is not clear why the Police requested such a warrant from the Court and how a Judge felt able to issue a warrant given that Ms Charalmpous’s actions, which are in writing on Facebook, disclose no crime and the issue of the warrant and arrest was a textbook example of a breach of her rights under Article 19 of the Cypriot Constitution and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights which provides for freedom of expression, especially when it comes to criticism of elected politicians.

Following Ms Charalampous’s arrest she was taken to the Police station, she then went to Mayor Kypros Michaelides offices where he threatened her that proceedings would continue against her unless she posted a public apology, one of which he drafted himself and texted to her and made her post on Facebook.

Text Message from Mayor.png


On Sunday 25 April 2021, Justice Abroad’s Michael Polak wrote to Justice Minister Emily Yiolitis and the Attorney General of Cyprus George Savvides for them to immediately confirm that the charges against Ms Charalampous would be dropped, that she will be given a public apology for the unlawful action, and that she will not be subject to any repercussions by the authorities for her lawful actions.  

Justice Abroad Michael Polak stated the following:

Whilst we welcome today’s decision by the Attorney General to drop all charges against our client she has not received the apology requested for the clearly unlawful arrest in front of her small child.

Further, many questions remain unanswered for which the public will want answers. Why did the Police apply for a warrant for expression which was clearly not criminal? Would they have acted in the same way if the ridiculous complaint had come from an ordinary citizen not someone with political power? Why did a judge, who must have been trained in Cypriot law and the European Convention, issue such a warrant?  Did the Mayor misuse the criminal process and his position of power to force a woman to publish an apology that he drafted when no such apology was due?

This is just one example of the processes being used in Cyprus to supress freedom of expression.  Although,  the charges have now been dropped the willingness of the Courts and Police to get involved to protect thin-skinned people in positions of power has a chilling effect on the essential right which is protected in both the Cypriot Constitution and the European Convention.

Our client has still not received the public apology requested and we continue to call on the Justice Minister to establish an inquiry to consider how this farce was allowed to take place. Unless such steps are taken ordinary people can have no confidence that the the law is being applied without fear or favour and that the Police are not acting as private security for those with political power.  



Notes to Editors

Justice Abroad, has been set up to help those trying to find their way through foreign justice systems with all the associated hurdles that presents, to represent those facing gross breaches of their human rights no matter where this takes place, and to advise and assist the victims of crimes as to how to achieve justice.

Justice Abroad, run by International lawyer Michael Polak, has assembled a team of top investigators, lawyers, and support staff to provide unparalleled support, advice and guidance, legal, advocacy, and investigatory service for your Justice Abroad issues anywhere in the world.  The Justice Abroad team with their trusted international pool of multilingual experts, their networks, and media contacts and their well-documented determination to leave no stone unturned in the search for the truth and justice for families who have been denied it are here to provide that much needed support for families and individuals in their time of need.

Michael Polak